Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kudos to You!

In effort to communicate the positive behavior and efforts that I see each and every day in Math and Language Arts, I have begun to send home Kudos Awards. These awards recognize students who are role models during class time and demonstrate Respect, Compassion, Responsibility and Honor. If a Kudos Award comes home, celebrate your student! They are doing a great job in Pilot.

Miss Seely

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Counting with Tally Marks and Digits

Today we practiced matching numerals to their corresponding tally marks and finger digits. Each student received a bag of mystery cards. We raced to see who could empty their bag first!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Go Ravens!

Today we celebrated the Ravens by having Raven's themed math centers. 

We practiced our number writing inside a Raven's football...

And used purple playdough to make numbers!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Alphabet Basketball!

Today we played Alphabet Basketball. I wrote the letters of the alphabet on recycled paper. Each student got a turn to identify a letter and say the sound(s) it makes. Then they got to crumple up the paper and shoot it into the basket! This activity helped us review letter identification, phonics and allowed us to practice coordination. Plus, it was a lot of fun. We saw some awesome slam dunks!